
As one goes through life, it can become easy to swallow our emotions, hide our deepest thoughts, battle our darkest storms alone, and in the midst of it all feel like none of it matters. This was the case for me for quite some time…hiding so much of who I was in a stale closet. But the closet is now broken and I have things I want to say.

I am a lesbian, I am a tomboy who is gender non-conforming, I grew up Christian (but am unsure of this label now), I am…many things. What makes you different is not something to be feared or hated. It is an integral part of who you are and it is meant to (in the very least) be understood.

As you follow along on my posts, I hope that it can help you realize that you are not alone, that you are beautiful, that you have gifts, that you have faults, that sometimes we do and say the right thing, and that sometimes we do and say the wrong thing (even with the best of intentions).

Regardless of differences in beliefs, theology, morals, or values…I hope you find something to gain from my story. No matter what, welcome!